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Fact About Chinese Social Media

Hello, friends! The border tensions between India and China are the worst they have been in several decades More than 20 Indian soldiers have lost their lives. Because of this, the sentiment of boycott China has started trending again in India To express this emotion, some people are even throwing their Chinese TVs out of […]

Fact About Chinese Social Media

Hello, friends! The border tensions between India and China are the worst they have been in several decades More than 20 Indian soldiers have lost their lives. Because of this, the sentiment of boycott China has started trending again in India To express this emotion, some people are even throwing their Chinese TVs out of their homes. I think if we want to make this Boycott china movement successful then it is not going to happen by breaking TVs and toys. We need to understand the root causes first

how the Chinese Communist Party wants to dominate the world

and what dirty tactics they resort to for achieving this- Economically, Politically, and Geographically Don't harbour the misconception that only India is facing such a problem. The border intrusions that China is doing in India, China is doing a similar thing with Taiwan simultaneously, And what are the several tactics that China resorts to with other countries economically. We will talk about all of this in today's Blog So that we can come up with strategies against China along with other countries. Because today, China is not just a threat to India but poses a danger to all the democratic countries across the world. When I say. China. here, I am only referring to the Communist Party of China. A party that has established its complete dictatorship over the people The Chinese people are not at fault here

Come, let us see

  1. First, we will talk about economic tactics. But I would like to begin with the basics of the trade



Let us now see how the Chinese Communist Party misuses trade and tariffs against the other countries 

China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001. Certain conditions were imposed upon China while joining the WTO. China promised to liberalize and open up its economy further so that trade could be easily conducted between China and the other countries But today, 20 years later, China has opened up its economy to some extent But speaking broadly, China has aggressively misused the WTO for its own benefit So, what is the situation today? You can find made-in-China products in almost every country across the world. This is the extent to which China exports its products abroad As far as imports go, the largest social media networks in the world- YouTube, Facebook, Google, Amazon are nowhere to be found within China. China has not allowed them to enter its realm. This is a one-sided trade, in a way China allows the export of made in China products very easily but restricts the entry of other countries within their own realm Instead, China copied these companies and pilfered their technology, and created copycat clones of these companies within their country Today, I-in China 

Youtube is replaced by
YouTube is replaced by 
Amazon by Alibaba,
Amazon by Alibaba
Google by Baidu
Google by Baidu 
and Facebook by Weibo
and Facebook by Weibo 

These are all copycat companies that stole the entire concept and ideas and have created their clones to prevent the other companies from reaping benefits and to prevent the other countries from benefiting from trade. China has indulged in IP theft -Intellectual property theft- in almost every sector No matter which country a new technology is introduced in, clones will be developed in China. Normally it would not have been possible in a democratic country.

For instance, if a company of the UK wishes to clone the product of a US company. then the US company can file a case in the courts in UK But there's no question of court cases in China. The dictator government there promotes these cloning companies and keeps them protected from these things In fact, the rules have been twisted in China to ensure benefits to these companies For example, according to one such rule,if any foreign company wants to set up a business in China, then they will first have to transfer their intellectual property to their Chinese partners. The European Union Commission had filed a complaint regarding this in the World Trade Organization in 2018 to highlight how China misuses these things China forces foreign companies to forfeit their technology to China.They would have to forfeit it for free if they wish to do business in China.It has been estimated that the USA incurs a loss of between 300-600 billion dollars annually due to this pilferage by China.

