KYP Course is very easy to do. For this, you will have to go to Kyp Center and after going there you will be given all the information related to the KYP Course, after that you can submit all the papers mentioned by Kyp Training. One is that you can get all the work done by going to Kyp center and secondly by going to Direct DRCC online.
Let me tell you one more thing that the center of the Kaushal Yuva program will not need to find much. This center is available in Block under every block.
Now you have registered Successfully in Kaushal Yuva program.
Now log in with your Id and Password.
Put your ID in the Option with Username that will appear on your Number / Email.
Password Enter the password in this option which will be accessed through your email/message via Kyp.
Enter Captcha Fill down the captcha by looking down here.
Now click on Log In.
Now you are logged into your account. Pages to change passwords will also be opened in front of Automatic.
Enter the password that came on your number and email in Enter the Old Password.
Enter any password from your mind in Enter new password. This is your choice.
Put the same in the re-enter new password as what you had inserted the new password in the second option.
Now click on Submit.
Now your Passwerd has been successfuly changed. To complete the kyp course you have to complete 2 steps. First of all, you now have to add personal information. So let's know how to add?
How to add personal information to Kaushal Youva program
First, you click on the 7nishchayyojna link and log in with Email and password. The process of login has already been told to you.
Documents required to do KYP Course:
To do this course, you should have all the documents related to it available, only then you can do the Kyp course. So, we are telling you about all the documents for doing Registration in kyp below. Aadhar Card Bank account Mark sheet 10th, 12th Paas residence certificate 4 PCS Passport Size Photo You must have all these documents. If you have all these papers, then you can do the skill youth course. Bihar Kushal Yuva Program Online Application 2020 Kushal Yuva program online registration Form 2020 Doing your registration in Kyp is very easy. Just follow some steps you will be given, you can register yourself in Kaushal Yuva Program. So let us know how to do registration?Step 1
First you go to the official website of KYP, click here to go to the official website - Click here to apply online Now a page will be opened in front of you, in which it will be written, New Applicant Registration has to click on this option. As soon as you click on that option a new registration will open from. 1. Applicant First Name Write your first name in this option. Example: - My name is S Hasan Khan then I will write S . 2.Middle Name In this option you can give your middle name. Although many people have their name in 2 words, you can also skip this option. Some names are in 3 words Ex- S Hasan Khan, then Hasan can be added to this option. 3. Last Name In this you can enter your last name, which we call last name. 4.Email - Id In this option, you put your Email Adress. 5. In this, the Aadhar Number you write to your Aadhar Number is 12 digits. 6. Mobile Number of the applicant In this option you have to enter your mobile number. Remember that you should enter the mobile number which is present with you at the moment because OTP will go on it. 7. Now click on Send OTP. 8. Select Ye if the application is filled at Vasudha Kendra, tick No below this option. 9. Please enter the OTP send on your Email id / Mobile, below this you type the OTP that will have gone OTP on your Mobile and Email. Type it here. Now click on the option of Submit.

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