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Learn Some Quick Addition Shortcuts in Mental Mathematics

All we know the traditional way of addition in mathematics and use it while solving the questions or adding some digits. Today we will learn some new way of addition to simplify it or to solve it in the fastest way. It will be useful during examinations where time is too short or you have […]

Learn Some Quick Addition Shortcuts in Mental Mathematics

All we know the traditional way of addition in mathematics and use it while solving the questions or adding some digits. Today we will learn some new way of addition to simplify it or to solve it in the fastest way. It will be useful during examinations where time is too short or you have limited time with more number of questions like banking examination etc.
First come to the traditional way :

 110 + 15 + 25+ 331 + 467 + 24 + 87 + 91  =

We all know that to solve in a traditional or in an old way we have to keep all digits one below other like

Now here is an another way to add this

Add all hundreds, tens and unit place like
100 + 300 + 400 = 800
10 + 10 +30 + 60 + 20 + 80 + 90 =  320
5 + 5 + 1 + 7 + 4 + 7 + 1 = 30

Now add all this together which 800 + 310 + 30 =1150

You can do it in other way too. First add 1 + 3+ 4 of hundred positions. It's equal to 8 so write 800. Now add 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 + 2 + 8 + 9 of tenth position. Its 32 so write 320 and now add all unit digits like
0 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 7 + 4 + 7 + 1 = 30

Now add all of them together to get the answer. It may look little confusing but after a little practice we can do it mentally because it's always easy to add numbers which are in the form of thousand, hundred, tens etc. So always remember to break the digits in thousands, hundreds, tens and units. then you can add them very fast. If the calculation is too long then you can use a piece of paper for that. But I am sure that after a little practice you can add this without writing anything.

Just solve the following examples at your own and check your skills.

8721 + 426 + 5055 + 4236 + 85 + 29 + 38 + 87 =

Now some more tips to do it.
Suppose you want to add 221 + 38
So in place of using old method just convert any number in a round digit to make it simple like :

220 + 38 + 1 = 259 (Here you can see that its easy to add 220 + 38 mentally and after that we can add 1) So this method will make the calculation very fast and easy and also accurate.

There is one more method to do it.

221 + 40 - 2 = 259 (It's easy to add 40 in 221, in place of 38)

It's the reason that I said to covert numbers in to round figure.

Hope you will like this post.



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