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As all of you will know that the KYP Course has spread in our state of Bihar. kyp course in which the government has started this scheme to impart computer training in free of cost especially for students and youth.
If you also do not know what is Kyp and how to do Kushal youva program course?
So now you don't have to worry about anything. Because today we are going to share the complete information about Kyp i.e. what is Kushal youva program in this post, so definitely read this post.
In today's time, knowledge of computer is very important for every human being. Our knowledge of without computer knowledge remains incomplete. No matter how educated we are, because in today's time almost every work is done through computer. Therefore, it is very important for the students especially to have knowledge of computer.
Some Info About KYP
If we talk about job or job, then computer has a very big role in every field. Be it medical, engineering, development or (IT) -information technology, it has great importance in every field.
Therefore, our state government has started the Kushal youva program Course (KYP) for imparting computer training for youth and students for free. So let us know what is kyp ie Kushal Yuva Program Course and how to do it? Benefits of doing Kyp course - in hindi.
What is KYP
Kyp whose full name is Kushal youva program. It is an ambitious scheme run by the Government of Bihar, which has been launched under the 7 Nishchay Scheme. Which is called 'Economic solution for the force of youth'
Is also known. The objective of this KYP Course is that all the youth and students of Bihar who are 15 - 28 years old as well as pass 10th class or graduate or are studying further. He is given computer training by the government in Free.
So that every young student and girl student can get information in computer free and at the same time can overcome unemployment of the country. Because in this age of today our education without computer knowledge remains incomplete. Therefore it is very important for every youth and girls to have knowledge of computer.
When did Kushal youva program begin?
(KYP) i.e. Kushal Youva Program This Course was started by Honorable Chief Minister of Bihar State Shri Nitish Kumar on 15 December 2016 in our Bihar.
The number of registration of students in this course had crossed about 1,2000 (one lakh and twelve thousand) in the year 2016 to July 2017 and the number of Kushal Youva centers in Bihar had increased by more than 11000.
However, the government did not start in its initial phase with only 48 centers and 1,978 learners. The government's goal is to start the Kushal youva program course in each of the 534 blocks available in 38 districts of Bihar state.
However, out of these 534 blocks, Kushal youva program (KYP) has been established in only 282 blocks. Therefore, the government (BSDM) is starting these courses in every block under Bihar Skill Devlopment Mission.
Who can do Kushal Yuva Program Course?
The benefits of this scheme being run by the government can be availed by young students and students from different castes, religions and communities. However, according to the rule of the government, it has prescribed the age for people of every Caste to take the course. Which you can read below here.
Those up to 33 years of age of scheduled caste (SC) can also do this course.
Scheduled Tribe (ST) Condidate can also do this (KYP) course up to a maximum of 33 years of age.
A maximum of 31 years is given for OBCs.
For PWD people up to 33 years of age.
To do this course, students must have education qualification along with age. To do the Kushal youva program course, the student must have at least matriculation pass (10th pass).
If students are more than 12th pass or studying in more than 10, then they can also take advantage of this course.
This KYP Course includes 2 different courses apart from Computer Course. Which you are made to do with them. These 2 different courses will especially work to enhance your life skills and your skills. We will talk further about the discussion of these courses.
KYP All Course Details
Complete knowledge of all courses of Kushal Yuva Program
According to the first in Kushal Yuva program, there were 3 courses under it, one is BS-CIT and second is BS-CCS and third is BS-CSS, but some time ago its course has changed. The names of one course have changed which we will know from the details below.
BS-CIT (Bihar State Certificate in information technology.)
BS-CSS (Bihar State Certificate in Soft skills.)
BS-CLS (Bihar State Certificate in Language Skills)
Let us now try to know which topics are taught to you in which courses.
- This is a Short Word. Bihar State - Certificate in information technology. In this course, you will get information related to Computer and Internet and IT etc.
After doing this course, a new force comes in you. You understand information technologoy very well.
If we talk about this course, then after learning it completely, you can become a Smart User of Computer and Master of IT. To know more about it, see below.
CIT All Course Details
Windows 10
Internet Browsers
Ms word 2013
Ms excel 2013
Ms powerpoint 2013
Ms access 2013
Ms outlook 2013
Google Apps
Open Office Writer
Open office calc
Open Office Impress
You are given information on all these topics from the details. To know more, visit the official website of KYP. (Click here)
- The full meaning of this course (Bihar state - Certificate in Language Skills.). Under this course, you are specially made to study the students about their colloquium, how you have to communicate with any people.
Works to enhance your talking skills. Also, you are also taught how to do writing. Hindi, English, Grammer, Pronunciation, Vocabulary etc.… information is taught to you. More information about this is given below.
BS-CLS Course Details -
Home, Surroundings and Routine
Friends, Family and Relatives
Health and hygiene
Telling Time and Giving directions
Making Inquiries
Communicating at common public places
Helping and offering services
Getting Ready for Work
Telephonic Conversation
Sharing thoughts with others
Using references like Dictionary and Thesaurus
Communication in cyber world
Interview Techniques
Meetings at workplace
Workplace Ethics
Customer Service
For full details of this you can see here to see now (Click here)
- Certificate in Soft Skills) By reading this word, you will have come to know that this course is related to your life skills.
In this subject, we will introduce you to such a great person who was from the Poor family, how did he become a great person from the poor? And how he moved from bottom to top.
You will be made aware of the success story of all those great human beings. The main objective of this topic is how do you want to succeed?
Will give himself the ability to fight it even in difficult situations. In fact, after studying this subject thoroughly, you will gain new power to do any work.
Some information about it is given below which you are made to study under this course.
CSS All Course Details information-
Self-Awareness and Self-Management
Interpersonal Skills
Presentation skills
Time management
Goal Setting and Decision Making
Being Flexible
Workplace Ethics
Conflict Management
Positive Health (Stress Management)
Customer Relationship Management
To know more about this, go to the official website of KYP to go now (click here).